I have a confession to make....I am NOT a bible reader. Never have been. Oh, I grew up in a youth group at a Methodist Church and I went to bible study and we spent time in The Word. And I remember having a children's picture book of bible stories that I LOVED as a child. And they say that if you go to Mass every day for 3 years you will have heard the entire bible. So...I know the stories. I can tell you about Adam and Eve and The Garden of Eden. I know about Jonah and the whale and Joseph and his coat of many colors and I know that his brothers sold him into slavery. I know about David and Goliath and Jesus walking on water and healing the lepers. You get the picture....I know the stories....
As I mentioned in my previous post, I started a bible reading 'plan'. It is an app that I downloaded to my phone and I listen to it...when I can. It is a historical plan, so it started in Genesis. There was Adam and Eve and a lot of begatting (yes, I know, that is not a word, but you know what I'm talking about). I won't tell you that I found it boring, because truly, I did not. But it was rather redundant. However, after my last post, I tried to be more 'intentional' about my bible listening. Yesterday, I was a day behind and somewhere in the story of Joseph. He had been brought to Pharaoh to interpret his dreams. I was driving....and I was listening. Now, mind you, the plan does not expect you to spend too much time in a day on it. I have found that it is maybe three verses a day...not much at all. And that has been just fine with me. But yesterday, while I was being intentional, something funny happened. My reading, err...listening, STOPPED! It was over for the day. And guess what? I couldn't take it. I had to hear more. It was like watching TV and you break for a commercial at just the
It's a funny thing; doing things intentionally.
Now, I know that we are only 16 days into the year and far be it for me to think that I have set a lifelong precedent. I know that I can slip back at anytime and go back to my old ways. But it is a start and I plan to do my best to continue on this path of living and serving intentionally.
Now, if I can just get to that intentional exercise plan. :)
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